PROFOH @ COP28 – Global Climate Change Summit – UAE

Professionals For Humanity PROFOH is very proud to be participating at UN Climate Change Conference – United Arab Emirates 30 Nov – 12 Dec 2023.The global Conference have 195 represented states 97,372 registered participants to date 1,293 media organizations.

Mansur Arif Shamsi, PROFOH – United Arab Emirates, Country Director will represent our organization at this year event. Mansur is also a member of the global Advisory Board and his PROFOH accreditations covers the GCC.

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is an annual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting held since 1995. It is the most important decision-making body of the UNFCCC which aims to tackle the global climate crisis by strengthening the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The United Arab Emirates is  hosting the 2023 COP28 Global Climate Summit, which will be the next big round of international climate talks after COP21 in Paris, the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference, and the 2016 Marrakech Climate.

It will be the first COP event to be held in the Middle East as well as the first one to be held in an Arabic-speaking country during the last quarter of 2023.

As it known fact that the UAE has been a front runner in matters pertaining to international climate change initiatives and negotiations along with other nations in promoting clean energy in the gulf region, as well as a key actor in international climate change negotiations.

The selection of the UAE to host COP28 reflects the country’s commitment to tackling climate change and its leadership in global efforts to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency. With its ambitious goals and advanced technology, the UAE is well-positioned to provide global leadership on addressing climate change, both through its hosting of COP28 and its continued participation in international negotiations.

The summit will strategically focus on strengthening the world’s global commitments into bringing a greener climate with reduced emissions, building resilience to climate change, mobilizing new initiatives for financing for all related activities which will have best practices implemented around the world with most nations participating in this global drive for a better and healthy living conditions on earth.

PROFOH along with its members and partners would look forward into active participation to this significant and important summit for its commitment to make the earth a better place to live.


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